Take Control: Scale Your Real Estate Business to 7 Figures and Own Your Market.

You didn’t come here to play—you're here to win.
Get the strategies that turn top agents into unstoppable CEOs.

You didn’t come here to play—
you're here to win.

Get the strategies that turn top agents into unstoppable CEOs.


He helped our brokerage go from under 100 to over 400 units in 3 years.

- Joel Perso

Let’s get one thing straight—you’re not just another real estate agent, and this isn’t just another course.

The Agent to CEO Blueprint is the roadmap for those who are ready to dominate.

You’ve already got what it takes to close deals, but now it’s time to take it to the next level.

We’re talking about turning your hustle into a well-oiled, profit-generating machine that frees up your time and scales your income to 7 figures.

Ready to stop playing small and start making big moves? Let’s go.

Why This Matters:

You’re probably facing some of these challenges—because most agents are:

  • Stuck in the Grind:
    You’re running from deal to deal, but it feels like you’re on a hamster wheel. You’re busy, but not moving the needle where it counts.

  • Revenue Ceiling:
    No matter how hard you push, your income has plateaued, and breaking past it feels impossible.

  • No Time to Scale:
    You’re drowning in tasks that leave no time for growth, strategy, or even a break. It’s exhausting, and it’s holding you back.

  • Weak Team, Big Headaches:
    Your team isn’t pulling their weight, and it’s costing you time, money, and energy. And you're still doing everything.

What You Get When You Sign Up

This is where we separate the amateurs from the pros.

The Agent to CEO Blueprint isn’t just another training—it’s the playbook for building a real estate empire.

Here’s what you’ll walk away with:

  • Break Free from the Hustle:
    Implement systems that free up your time, letting you shift from the day-to-day grind to strategic, high-level decision-making.

  • Shatter Your Revenue Ceiling:
    Learn the exact strategies that will drive growth and take your business to 7 figures faster than you thought possible.

  • Reclaim Your Time:
    With streamlined operations and efficient processes, you’ll finally have the bandwidth to focus on scaling, not just surviving.

  • Build a Powerhouse Team:
    Attract and retain top talent that doesn’t just support your growth—they drive it. You’ll have the team you trust to execute, while you focus on leading.


What’s Included:


Initial 1:1 Onboarding Call

Your Personalized Game Plan: Kickstart your success with a 1:1 onboarding call designed to tailor the Agent to CEO Blueprint specifically to your business and goals.

VALUED AT $25,844

Weekly CEO Training Calls (Leadership)

Master the Art of Persuasion. Marketing isn’t just about getting leads—it’s about getting the right leads. Learn cutting-edge marketing strategies that will position you as the go-to expert in your market.

VALUED AT $25,844

Weekly CMO Training Calls (Marketing)

Master the Art of Persuasion. Marketing isn’t just about getting leads—it’s about getting the right leads. Learn cutting-edge marketing strategies that will position you as the go-to expert in your market.

VALUED AT $25,844

Weekly COO Training Calls (Operations & Fulfillment)

Build a Business That Runs Like Clockwork. Efficiency isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. Get the systems, tools, and processes that will streamline your operations, allowing your business to scale without breaking a sweat.

VALUED AT $17,694

Weekly Sales Training Calls with Wally Bressler

Close Like a Pro. With Wally Bressler, you’re not just learning how to sell—you’re learning how to win. Every week, gain insider techniques that will help you close more deals and increase your revenue.

VALUED AT $17,694

Weekly Lead Generation Training Calls with Brayden Kinder

Fuel Your Pipeline with Quality Leads. Lead generation is the lifeblood of your business. Get access to proven strategies from Brayden Kinder that will keep your pipeline full of high-quality leads ready to convert.

VALUED AT $5,964

Agent To CEO Vault

Your Secret Weapon. Access a treasure trove of resources, templates, and insider knowledge that will give you the edge over your competition. This isn’t just information—it’s ammunition.


Exclusive Agent To CEO Mastermind Community

You Are Who You Surround Yourself With. Join an elite group of top-performing real estate professionals. Network, collaborate, and grow alongside the best in the business.

PLUS These Exciting BONUSES!

VALUED AT $10,997

BONUS #1: Real Estate Training Collection

Instantly Elevate Your Expertise. Dive into a comprehensive collection of training modules designed to sharpen your skills across every aspect of real estate. This isn’t just training—it’s transformation.

VALUED AT $1,499

BONUS #2: Agent Attraction & Hiring Process

Build Your Dream Team. Learn the exact process to attract, hire, and retain top talent. This isn’t just about filling positions—it’s about building an unstoppable team that drives your business forward.

VALUED AT $1,499

BONUS #3: Systems & Processes Audit

Turbocharge Your Efficiency. We’ll conduct a full audit of your existing systems and processes, identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies. Then, we’ll help you streamline and optimize, turning chaos into clarity.

VALUED AT $1,000

BONUS #4: Kitchen Table Invite

Sit at the Table with the Best. Get an exclusive invite to the Kitchen Table Strategy Workshop, where top real estate leaders craft their winning strategies. This is your chance to think big, strategize, and plan for exponential growth.


Proof of Winning

Countless others have already made this work—implement what you learn, and you’ll be next.


"Big hurdles become speed bumps with the right perspective."

"If you are looking for something more than simply selling houses, there is no better coach than John to help you get there." -Sam Basel


"John has been a gamechanger for my real estate business"

"By joining his program, I have been able to set a clear vision of my goals and really dive into where I can make the greatest impact to help those around me."
-Brandon Bridgmon


"My business has doubled!"

"I have the motivation, tweeks, and encouragement as well as some REALLY FANTASTIC ideas. Best move so far in my real estate career. I strongly encourage giving him a go!" -Tamber Schelhammer


"We more than doubled our business in a year since coaching"

"John is the absolute best! If you are looking to take your business to the next level, look no farther!" - Brian Murphy


"Our team has doubled production"

"The knowledge, professionalism, and innovation give the path to answer every what’s next question I have. This is the best investment I have made to this point in my career!" - Gene Darden


"Our team has grown from 100+ deals to 300+ deals a year consistently"

"He is hands down the best coach in the business. He has the blueprint for success, and is very skilled in sharing it."

- Andrew Gaydosh

Why You Can’t Afford to Miss This

  • Immediate Impact:

    Start seeing real changes in your business from day one. This isn’t about quick wins—it’s about sustainable growth that keeps on giving.

  • Lifetime of Value:

    These aren’t just tactics—they’re strategies that build long-term success. We’re setting you up for the kind of growth that doesn’t just sustain, it compounds.

  • Ongoing Support:
    The journey doesn’t end when you sign up. With weekly calls and an elite community, you’ve got support every step of the way.

  • Exclusive Bonuses:

    These aren’t just tactics—they’re strategies that build long-term success. We’re setting you up for the kind of growth that doesn’t just sustain, it compounds.

Just for a recap, here's everything you're getting:

  • 1:1 Onboarding Call with John Kitchens

  • Weekly CEO, CMO, & COO Calls

  • Weekly Sales Training Calls with Wally Bressler

  • Weekly Lead Generation Training Calls

  • Agent To CEO Client Portal

  • Exclusive Facebook Community

  • BONUS #1: Real Estate Training Collection

  • BONUS #2: Agent Attraction & Hiring Process

  • BONUS #3: Systems & Processes Audit

  • BONUS #4: Kitchen Table Invite

valued at $134,897

today at $297 per month

Who This Is For:

  • Agents Ready to Go Big:

    If you're done playing small and ready to step into the CEO role, this is your next move. You're ambitious, driven, and you know there’s more—this is how you get it.

  • Those Hitting a Revenue Wall:

    You’ve built something solid, but now you’re stuck. You need the strategies and systems to break through and scale to 7 figures.

  • Entrepreneurs Seeking Real Growth:

    You’re not here for quick wins—you want sustainable, long-term success. This program gives you the tools to build a business that doesn’t just survive, it thrives.

  • Leaders Who Want an A-Team:

    Success is about the company you keep. This is for those ready to attract, hire, and retain top talent to push their business forward.

  • Freedom Seekers:
    You didn’t sign up to be a slave to your business. If you want to implement systems that free up your time while still scaling, this is your answer.

Who This Isn’t For:

  • Quick-Fix Chasers:
    If you’re looking for a magic bullet, keep moving. Success requires commitment, strategy, and real action—this is about building something that lasts.

  • Complacent Agents:
    If you’re happy where you are and not interested in leveling up, this isn’t for you. We’re here for those who want more.

  • Lone Wolves:
    If you’re not interested in building a team or scaling beyond yourself, this might not be your fit. We focus on transforming agents into CEOs who lead and grow.

  • Excuse Makers:
    If you’re more focused on why things won’t work than figuring out how they can, this isn’t your game. We want doers, not doubters.

  • Those Unwilling to Invest:
    If you’re not ready to invest in your own growth, don’t expect results. Success requires putting skin in the game

Success doesn’t happen by chance.

It happens by making the right moves, at the right time.

The Agent to CEO Blueprint is your playbook— designed to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

So, what’s it going to be?

This isn’t for everyone, and that’s the point.

Keep playing small, or step up and start making the kind of money you’ve always known you’re capable of.