⚠️for residential real estate agents who want to double their business ⚠️

Grow Your Business From

6 Figures To 7 Figures

Without Sacrificing Profitability

We get it.

You've reached a great level of earning six figures, but moving up to seven figures feels overwhelming. You're stuck in a cycle of always looking for clients and making deals, constantly putting out fires, with hardly any time to really grow your business. There's a constant worry that you might just stop growing, and your goal of expanding your business seems far away.

What if your Perfect Day looked more like this...

You've successfully grown your business from a steady six-figure income to an impressive seven figures. You've moved beyond the grind of daily transactions with buyers and sellers, achieving this remarkable growth without compromising your profits. This is all thanks to implementing systems and processes that are proven to work.

You now have crystal-clear clarity and confidence. You've crafted a solid plan that has taken you out of the day-to-day production and placed you firmly in the CEO seat of your business. Your decision-making is backed by robust dashboards that give you real-time insights into your key metrics and financials. You understand your business like never before.

Your value proposition is sharper and more compelling, resonating perfectly with your ideal target clients - be they buyers, sellers, investors, or fellow real estate professionals. You've become the go-to expert in your field.

Your client acquisition, conversion, and fulfillment processes are streamlined and efficient. You no longer chase clients; instead, you attract them through a well-oiled system that works seamlessly. Each promise made to your clients is a promise kept, enhancing your reputation and solidifying your position in the market.

But what if you can move closer to your

Perfect Day?

Agent to CEO is a premier coaching program designed to elevate real estate agents from six-figure earnings to seven-figure success, implementing proven systems and processes to gain the clarity, confidence, and tools needed to transition from daily transactions to becoming a true CEO of your thriving real estate business.



Gain a clear and compelling vision for your business while understanding your current standing, ensuring every step you take is aligned with your ultimate goals.



Develop a vivid and inspiring vision that guides every aspect of your business journey, serving as your north star for growth and innovation.



Embrace a CEO's multi-faceted thinking process, combining strategic planning, innovation, and problem-solving with a Machine Mindset to dissect and effectively solve challenges.



Focus on value creation for your market, comprising buyers, sellers, investors, and real estate agents. Craft irresistible offers that differentiate your services in the market.



Design and implement a concrete plan within your business model, prioritizing actions that propel you towards your vision, ensuring continuous progress.



Build a high-caliber team to execute your strategic plan, harnessing their full potential and aligning their skills with the business's vision and objectives for maximum impact and growth.



Gain a clear and compelling vision for your business while understanding your current standing, ensuring every step you take is aligned with your ultimate goals.



Develop a vivid and inspiring vision that guides every aspect of your business journey, serving as your north star for growth and innovation.



Embrace a CEO's multi-faceted thinking process, combining strategic planning, innovation, and problem-solving with a Machine Mindset to dissect and effectively solve challenges.



Focus on value creation for your market, comprising buyers, sellers, investors, and real estate agents. Craft irresistible offers that differentiate your services in the market.



Design and implement a concrete plan within your business model, prioritizing actions that propel you towards your vision, ensuring continuous progress.



Build a high-caliber team to execute your strategic plan, harnessing their full potential and aligning their skills with the business's vision and objectives for maximum impact and growth.

Here's an overview of what you'll get:


Initial 1:1 Onboarding Call

This personalized session is your opportunity to set clear goals, discuss your unique challenges, and map out a tailored action plan. We're not just throwing you into the program - we're taking the time to understand your individual needs right from the start.


Weekly CEO Training Calls (Leadership)

Consider these calls your weekly dose of CEO-level expertise, packaged to provide immediate, actionable value. You're not just learning theories - you're gaining the practical skills to lead your team, grow your business, and define your own path to greatness.


Weekly CMO Training Calls (Marketing)

Each week, you'll uncover strategies, tips, and techniques that most agents only dream of knowing. Equip yourself with the tools you need to not just attract leads but to convert them into long-term clients.


Weekly COO Training Calls (Operations and Fulfillment)

These in-depth sessions are your gateway to mastering the nuts and bolts that hold your business together. Learn how to build scalable systems, manage resources effectively, and deliver unparalleled client service, all in real-time.


Weekly Growth Calls

As a strategic real estate advisor, Jon Harp will help you discover the definitive roadmap to real estate mastery, where he'll guide you through initial market entry, accelerate your path to profitability, and arm you with strategies to outshine the competition by offering unmatched client value.


Weekly Sales Training Calls

Each week, you’ll dive deep into proven methods for lead conversion, deal-closing strategies, objection handling, and much more.  These sessions give you an insider’s edge.  From building rapport with clients to mastering the close, Wally Bressler's insights will serve as your sales playbook.


Weekly Lead Generation Training Calls

You'll get laser-focused strategies on how to generate high-quality leads that convert, whether it's through SEO, social media, or funnels. But we're not stopping at just generating leads - Brayden Kinder's expertise will guide you in nurturing these leads to ensure conversion and long-term retention.


Monthly 1:1 Check-in

Stay on track and fine-tune your progress. These personalized one-on-one meetings serve as your regular touchpoints to review achievements, analyze challenges, and adjust your strategies for optimum performance.


Agent To CEO Client Portal

This is where theory meets action: our Agent To CEO Portal is stacked with video tutorials, downloadable templates, and actionable checklists. Think of this portal as your 24/7 digital mentor, always available to offer the insights and tools you need to evolve from an everyday agent into an unstoppable CEO.


Exclusive Facebook Community

Inside, you'll find a blend of practical advice, peer-to-peer support, and firsthand accounts of triumphs and challenges from agents who are on the same journey to CEO status.

Unlock a treasure trove of extras when you enroll in Agent to CEO! Our carefully curated bonuses are designed to supercharge your journey, adding even more value to your transformative experience!


BONUS #1: Real Estate Training Collection

This extensive collection offers unparalleled training modules, each finely tuned to address the core aspects vital for your success - be it sales, marketing, lead generation, operations, or team management. We've poured in all our knowledge so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel.


BONUS #2: Agent Attraction & Hiring Process

This unique offering is designed to take the guesswork out of one of the most critical aspects of your business: attracting and hiring top talent. Our step-by-step process guides you in identifying the ideal candidates who align with your vision and goals.


BONUS #3: Systems and Processes Audit

We will help you fine-tune your business systems for maximum efficiency and profitability. We start by conducting a comprehensive audit of your existing systems and processes to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas of improvement. By the end of this intensive process, you'll not only have a robust operations framework but also the know-how to maintain it.


BONUS #4: Complimentary Kitchen Table Access

Experience a one-time, complimentary dive into the most exclusive business roundtable, Kitchen Table Strategic Workshop. Imagine yourself in a room for two days, soaking in expert advice and engaging in unparalleled discussions specifically aimed at building Business and Marketing Strategy.


BONUS #1: Real Estate Training Collection

This extensive collection offers unparalleled training modules, each finely tuned to address the core aspects vital for your success - be it sales, marketing, lead generation, operations, or team management. We've poured in all our knowledge so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel.


BONUS #2: Agent Attraction & Hiring Process

This unique offering is designed to take the guesswork out of one of the most critical aspects of your business: attracting and hiring top talent. Our step-by-step process guides you in identifying the ideal candidates who align with your vision and goals.


BONUS #3: Systems and Processes Audit

We will help you fine-tune your business systems for maximum efficiency and profitability. We start by conducting a comprehensive audit of your existing systems and processes to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas of improvement. By the end of this intensive process, you'll not only have a robust operations framework but also the know-how to maintain it.


BONUS #4: Complimentary Kitchen Table Access

Experience a one-time, complimentary dive into the most exclusive business roundtable, Kitchen Table Strategic Workshop. Imagine yourself in a room for two days, soaking in expert advice and engaging in unparalleled discussions specifically aimed at building Business and Marketing Strategy.

A Brief Summary...

Initial 1:1 Onboarding

Monthly 1:1 Check-In

Weekly CEO (Leadership) Calls

Weekly CMO (Marketing) Calls

Weekly COO (Operations and Fulfillment) Calls

Weekly Growth Calls with Jon Harp

Weekly Sales Training Calls with Wally Bressler

Weekly Lead Generation Training Calls with Brayden Kinder

Agent To CEO Client Portal

Exclusive Facebook Community

...plus these BONUSES

BONUS #1: Real Estate Training Collection

BONUS #2: Agent Attraction and Hiring Process

BONUS #3: Systems and Processes Audit

BONUS #4: Complimentary Kitchen Table Access

As you stand at the crossroads of decision, remember that the journey from Agent to CEO is more than just a program - it's a pivotal transformation in your career.

Make the choice today to transform not just your business, but your entire life.

Agent To CEO by John Kitchens © 2024 All Rights Reserved.